Tires - expert insight
Testing Winter vs Summer TiresTest driving the difference between generic summer tires vs. winter tires. Great video, should you be skeptical of winter tires.
Remember that below 7 degrees Celsius the rubber compound in winter tires becomes more response and in turn better performance than all-season and/or summer tires. |
Winter Tire ComparisonHave you've ever wondered the difference in performance between an all-season tire and that of winter tire?
This video places two vehicles on a hockey rink to test the difference, watch and see. |
Performance Winter TiresIf you have a vehicle that is more of a "sport's car", rather than your generic "to-and-from work" vehicle, you might want to look at a winter tire with performance aspects.
A winter performance tire offers a lower profile aspect then you'd otherwise receive with a generic winter tire - handling is a big factor that differentiates the two tires types. Also, if you live in a non-snow belt area that has winter driving characteristics, but with limited snowfall, this may present a good option. How tires are madeThe basics. How and what goes into manufacturing a typical vehicle tire. Understanding the makeup of a tire offers the fundamentals to educate in the purchasing process.
The adjacent video offers a visual interpretation of the tire manufacturing process. |
Types of tiresThere are a variety of tires to choose from in the purchasing process, they include: all-season, summer and winter.
Understanding the difference in tires of performance and function can assist with your purchase selection. The adjacent video offers a visual interpretation of the different types of tires offered and their benefits. |
Winter tires and their benefitLiving in Canada requires you to drive in winter conditions on an annual basis. Unsure of the benefits associated with winter tires vs. all-season tires?
The adjacent video offers a visual interpretation of the safety benefits of winter tires. |
How to Change Hub Caps
Tired of those old hub cabs and want a change? Maybe you've taken a corner too fast and lost a hub cab? Regardless, this video provides instruction to properly change a typical hub cap.